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    还是很喜欢你 像霸王别了虞姬 情非得已.

    2019-09-18 08:09:50   转载
    我还是很喜欢你 像霸王别了虞姬 情非得已. [心]I still like you to be a bully.
    我还是很喜欢你 像疯狂的泰迪 日了哈士奇. I still like it when you're like crazy teddy make love with husky.
    我还是很喜欢你 像羟基和羧基 牵手后指尖便生水滴. I still like you like the hydroxyl and the carboxyl group after hand in hand the fingertip generation drops.
    我还是很喜欢你 像巴山夜雨涨起千万里 不知停息I still like you like ba shan night rain up thousands of miles do not stop.
    我还是很喜欢你 像酒香飘了三千里 不带醉意. I still like you very much like the wine fragrance floating three thousand miles without being drunk.
    我还是很喜欢你 像耿耿星河洒满天际 璀璨无比. I still like the fact that you shine like the stars.
    我还是很喜欢你 像沙起千丈荒漠里 无人问起. I still like it when you're like a thousand feet of sand and nobody asks.
    我还是很喜欢你 像雨落湖心惊涟漪 了无声息. I still like the sound of your ripples on a rainy lake..我还是很喜欢你 像酒藏曲巷阡陌里 难掩心迹. I still like that you are hard to conceal in the crisscrossing paths like wine.
    我还是很喜欢你 像固执押韵的排比 词不达意. I still like the way you misrepresent words like stubborn rhymes.
    我还是很喜欢你 像鹿隐于深林茕茕孑立 怯极望极.I still like you to be like a deer in the deep woods, for you are alone and afraid.
    我还是很喜欢你 像初中的自由落体 不记阻力. I still like the fact that you're in free fall like you were in junior high school.
    我还是很喜欢你 像鲤鱼深溺蔚蓝海里 不负君意.I still like it when you're drowning like a carp. http://t.cn/AiErI608
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